Monday, June 27, 2005

Next step

Koa Wood 2
Originally uploaded by Uncle Fatso.
So now I've just burned this image into the wood. I'm pretty stoked. Now as I can I am gonna shade it in with the burning pen. We'll see how it turns out...

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Koa Wood

Koa Wood
Originally uploaded by Uncle Fatso.
Check this out: This is Koa, a beautiful hard wood. I'm excited to burn something into this! You can see a bit of the wonderful colors in this, but after it is finished these colors jump's stunning.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

coffee roaster

coffee roaster
Originally uploaded by Uncle Fatso.
Check this baby out: it's $650 or so for a coffee roaster! That'd be cool to buy organic green coffee beans and roast them ourself. We set the roast however we want! And it'd be a cool little thing about our cafe, too.

Friday, June 03, 2005


Originally uploaded by Uncle Fatso.
This is what I picture in a good coffee house ministry. You see, it reaks of good quality. I am atracted to places with nice johns.

Thursday, June 02, 2005


OK, so foosball is mandatory for a good time where ever we're at...but I was thinking about this earlier: What will we do to find out what is important to really reach the people in San Diego? You know, like cushy chairs, good eats, foosball are all important to having a cool spot, but how are we going to make a coffee shop more than a business and actually shine light into the darkness? Like do we need to study demographics or take surveys or start thinking proactive about the mission at hand?

What will we offer?

What makes us different?

What tools do we need?

Are we just nice people? Sometimes?

How do we stay salty?

Did you say foosball torneys?